
Sculpting a Small BJD Head in Paperclay

Today we have a video demo from ShirwillJack showing how to sculpt a small BJD* head (hollow).  She refers to this as a "paperclay" tutorial but in dialog says she is using "Premier" (LaDoll) clay.  They are both air-dry but not exactly the same.  "Premier" is a stone clay, not paperclay.  However, "Creative Paperclay" works well for modeling BJDs and is frequently used by doll artists.  This is a good example of using the "add-on" method for sculpting with air-dry clay, where wet clay is applied to dry clay (re-moistened).  If you think you have to rush with air-dry clay, think again.  Note:  You might want to pause video in the speeded up segments.  Sometimes it's just a little too speedy to see what's happening!

I'd also like to point out her use of tissue as an armature.  She doesn't show this and only mentions it very briefly (see it removed in part 2).  . In order to create the hollow head needed to string a BJD, the clay must wrap around a removable core.  Just about anything "disposable" can be used, as long as it doesn't stick to clay.  Artists will often wrap tissue, newspaper, Styrofoam, etc, with plastic wrap for their core.

In the 2nd video she shows how to cut the head apart to remove armature,  clean up interior of head, cut out eyes, and generally make ready for finishing..   (The tiny skull at the end of Part 1 is made by JungaToy.)

*BJD=ball jointed doll

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